The history is dedicated to the memory of our beloved family and friends who are no longer here to give God the praise. It is up to the living here today to reflect on those whom God led to this place blessed with His mercy and His grace.
Histories are written by the people who lived then and are recorded by those who wish to learn from their ancestors something about the “rich” legacy they have inherited. We, here today, can take comfort in the knowledge that theirs is a rich tradition made so by the faith, determination, courage, and character of those who passed this way since 1882.
While the Little Mount Baptist Church has certainly had trials and tribulations, successes and failures, glad times and hard times, the Lord has NEVER left its side, and it stands today in this community as a testament to what the will of God can do when His people accept that will and follow God’s pathway.
We do not know the WHOLE STORY, the old, old story, but we can glorify in the blood, sweat and tears of those who believed in an awesome God, and trusted in His supreme guidance. {Let Jesus Lead You…}
According to notes and records left by our Christian ancestors, Little Mount Baptist Church was first established as a sanctuary of worship in the late 1880’s. We are told the first service was in a “Brush Harbor,” because often they had to worship in secret as slaves. Years later a log cabin was built as a place of worship. In the year 1882, the main part of this church was erected. Little did they know that this church would endure the stress of time until this present day.
Can you hear…the ringing of the bell in the bell tower…which announced the beginning of the worship service? Many of the worshipers were gathered outside on the church grounds still talking about their families, the crops, and even gossip while the faithful praisers were inside ushering in the Holy Spirit. There were age-warped wooden floors, hard splintered benches, pot-belly stoves, outdoor toilets, and outdoor baptismal pool (across the road). Can you visualize…NO ramps, NO carpeting, NO cushions on the pews, NO air conditioner BUT windows raised up to allow the free-flowing air from outside to blow in? There was an upright black piano in the left corner, but NO organ, NO electronic piano, and NO drums to enhance the mighty voices of the congregation. Yet…they were praising God with their whole being…the church was on fire for the Lord. Do you recall the delicious meals prepared and served outside under a tin roof shelter, and there was unity and a harmonious gathering of family and friends for miles around? Family and friends who had moved away to the various cities would return for Homecoming Sunday. DO YOU REMEMBER? As you reflect, think of the hard work of your ancestors who toiled unselfishly to bring us back to this moment in time.
As the years passed, additions such as the vestibule and bell tower were added and/or reconstructed. In 1946, a choir stand, and auxiliary rooms were added. Later in the early 60’s, the interior of the church was remodeled with new flooring and new pews (with cushions). During the 1980’s, an organ was purchased, a handicapped ramp was constructed, and the baptismal pool was built under the present-day pulpit, under the pastorate of the late Rev. P. Alexander Johnson. In addition, the first bulletin board (exterior church sign) was built as a donation by the late Deacon Robert Spratley and Deaconess Annie Spratley.
Under the pastorate of Rev. Eugene Claiborne Jr., additional improvements were made to the pulpit area in addition to a new ceiling and ceiling lights. In 1997, additional bathrooms were added to the sanctuary along with vinyl siding on the church’s exterior. In 1998, new steps were added to the side entrance doors.
For several decades, LMBC held services only on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, providing the small membership opportunities to worship at community churches with family and friends. Under the pastorate of Rev. Eugene Claiborne Jr. and Rev. Annette Claiborne, the membership voted to begin worship services every Sunday to afford everyone an avenue for greater worship and study of God’s word.
We have no written records of the first pastors of the Little Mount Baptist Church. The Pastors we do remember (in no particular order) include: The late Reverends Richard Hicks, W.L. Beasley, William Fitzgerald, William Thomas, A.H. Winn, E.R. Knox, James Hicks, P. Alexander Johnson, and Paul Johnson. After the resignation and death of Rev. P. Alexander Johnson in 1991, we were without a pastor for two years. On August 3, 1993, Rev. Eugene Claiborne Jr was elected Pastor, and on January 2, 1994, he was installed as our Pastor. Rev. Claiborne, along with his wife, Rev. Annette Claiborne, led the flock through their preaching and teaching until May 2004, when Rev. Claiborne resigned. With good leadership and a strong faith, the members prayed without ceasing until we were blessed on April 9, 2006, with our current Pastor, Rev. Wanda F. Wallace, the first female Pastor of this church. We praise her leadership. Dr. Anna B. Wilson was licensed by Pastor Wallace on April 30, 2006. Minister Wilson works diligently with the Pastor, evangelizing and spreading the gospel. In August 2018, our dear Pastor married Mr. Charles Tucker, who is our First Gentleman of this branch of Zion.
Many ministries have been birthed over the years under the pastorate of Dr. Wallace-Tucker in addition to the many ministries that were already established. The current ministries include: the Women’s Ministry, the Men’s Ministry, Intercessory Prayer, the Youth Ministry, the Missionary Ministry, the Building & Grounds Ministry, the Pastor’s Aide Ministry, the Music Ministry, and recently, the Media Ministry. With the onset of the Pandemic in 2020, the need for an outreach ministry has precipitated the growth of additional internet services. We praise God for the support and dedication of our faithful members who strive to continue the work of each ministry even though the influences of COVID-19 have decreased attendance and active participation in many of these ministries. We praise God for His grace and His mercy as we continue to grow.
In 2014, we purchased a church van, which was initiated by the Men’s Ministry. In the spring of 2016, the church purchased a carport to house the van.
The Diaconate Ministry continued to grow as Mr. Robert Spratley Jr. and Mr. Sam Hawkes were ordained in March 2008, and Mr. Paul H. Booth was ordained on March 9, 2014. This Ministry (today) includes Mr. Paul Booth, Chairman/wife, Corine; Mr. Lowell Palmer/wife Margaret; Mr. Sam Hawkes/wife Joyce; Mr. Robert Spratley/wife Hattie; Mr. Bernett Wilson/wife Minister Anna Wilson; and Mr. Jeffrey Maclin/wife Linda.
The Building and Grounds Ministry has been very busy with many projects to include: (2018) Initiated a Building Project which included the construction of a new Fellowship Hall with construction beginning in the Spring of 2019 by the Robert Howerton Construction Company. [The loan payoff for that project occurred on 12/17/21]. (2019) Trees were removed from the cemetery and church grounds by Lack’s Excavating Co., (2020) The old sidewalk was removed and a new one was constructed in addition to the painting of the handicap ramp. Fresh gravel was placed in the parking lot due to weathering and erosion.
In April 2020, the church had a PA System installed with the upgrade of sanctuary speakers and cordless microphones. The upgrade afforded the church the capability to record services for members and friends who chose to worship from home via Facebook live and/or teleconference line. This change was due to the affects of the pandemic. The PA System was installed by Mr. Deon Batts.
In November 2021, new railings at the church’s entrance and handicap ramp were constructed by Mr. Paul Lopez.
In April 2022, the church had the ADT Security System installed. We thank Deacon Paul H. Booth and his wife for installing cameras earlier to secure our church. We are blessed to have many diligent workers who love their church.
The church ministries collectively work to help and enhance the lives of their members and the community-at-large by providing prayer, donations to the sick and shut-in, and in extending comfort and support to the bereaved and the needy. Praise God for whom ALL blessings flow.
We look back and praise God for what we have achieved as a church… In addition to its long history of providing worship and ministry to its members, LMBC has maintained an innovative and active outreach to the community. Celebrating over a century of service, the Church continues to uphold the biblical values and traditions of its founders. The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. (Psalm 126:3 NIV)
The names of our forerunners who prayed without ceasing and toiled relentlessly for over 141 years for this Church, are either not known or too numerous to name, but as you reflect…renew your commitment to the Lord…and be refreshed daily by the assurance that God is real. Be revived by knowing that your heritage is rich, and the legacy of strong Black men and women are why we pay homage this day…for 141 years of grace and mercy orchestrated by God at the little old church by the side of the road. As we continue to grow in a diverse world that’s constantly changing, we welcome new members to join our Christian family as we learn of Jesus and His love. We are also praying for the return of families to unite with us to enhance our worship experience. God will supply ALL our needs.
It is the prayer of those who live in the current history of the church that God will use and guide us in such a manner as to make Little Mount Baptist Church a place of salvation, comfort, and charity for all those it reaches. May our faith, like that of our ancestors, be sufficient to merit God’s unmerited favor. AMEN
"Let us celebrate a grand feast, from the greatest to the least.
Let us rejoice, on this happy morn, the special day our church was born.
God bless those who planted the seed, and those who gave to every need,
and those who labored, with such care, to build this church…LMBC, a House of Prayer."
(Taken from a poem by Paul Berchtold, February, 2011)
Rewritten by Myrtle J. Palmer, June 22, 2023
Ebenezer Baptist Association | The Virginia Baptist State Convention, Inc. |
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